College (University) life was made for hammocks and hammock-ing. Whether you're hanging out on campus or inside the dorms, both are perfect places to set up a hammock. It's a great way to create a unique study spot, or to kick back between classes and simply enjoy the afternoon breeze. You can grab one of Tentsile's larger hammock designs, which are supported by the 3-point anchor system and offer room for up to six people to stretch out. Or you can go solo and get a nice private view of campus from up in the trees.
Hanging Out & Making Friends

The two most important parts of college life are studying and socializing. With a hammock you can study in style and comfort and you'll have a cool and unique place to hang out with friends. Moreover, science has repeatedly shown that simply being outdoors can boost brain power and mood. With the right hammock or Tree Tent you’ll be able to invite friends and stretch out. We'd recommend choosing one that fits at least three people like Tentsile's Stingray model pictured above, the more the merrier!
You may even spot a few more hammock hangers around campus. Before you know it, you may find yourself becoming part of a hammock community!
The best place to use a hammock or Tree Tent is obviously, outdoors, among the trees. Yet, our strap and ratchet system can also be set up indoors, on patios, balconies, or even on something like campus street lights. Do you have a place to hang a hammock near your dorm room, outside the residence hall, or in the common area? You will breathe new life into the expression “hanging out” by setting up your hammock where it can be admired and shared.
Music Festivals

If you are taking a trip to a music festival to see some of your favorite bands, you’ll be spending time outdoors. While open lawns aren’t hammock-friendly, many music festivals are ringed by forests. Set up your hammock, and you’ll have a nice retreat for privacy or spending the night. Hammocks are far easier to transport than most tents, being lighter weight and packing down to a smaller size.
You can bring the hammock and see what the lay of the land is. We expect that you'll be able to find a place to set it up after a little sleuthing. Once it's up and ready to rock, you’ll be the envy of passersby, as you look down on the crowds from your own personal island in the sky.

Sporting events are excellent for hammocks—especially during the pre-game festivities. A vehicle or two provides a way to tie up your 2-point or 3-point anchor system. Tentsile's taut hammocks can create two distinct spaces: one above for sitting or laying in, and one below for shade. Any tailgating party can benefit from a taut hammock in numerous ways. It provides a table, a lounger and/or a way to mark your group’s territory. There are so many creative ways to use this type of hammock for tailgating. Plus, it's sure to attract and impress fellow tailgaters!
Road Tripping

College means road trips, whether for Spring Break or a long weekend. You’ll use your hammock at the campgrounds you find along the way, or it can be an easy and unobtrusive way to sleep on a friend’s patio or deck of a friend. When you bring your own hammock, you are the perfect guest since you can be self-sufficient.
Hammocks are excellent tent alternatives, and since Tentsile offers such a wide variety of different sizes and designs, you'll find one that fits all your needs. Our Tree Tents offer an enclosed hangout or sleeping area, plenty of floor space, and an easy to use 3-point ratchet and strap anchor system. They also have a rainfly to protect you from the elements. Plus, the larger models offer a hatch that you can climb through to reach the floating tent above.
Whatever your college priorities, a portable treehouse is quite nearly a must-have item. Especially, if you like to spend your spare time outdoors!