Tentsile Stacks - By Type

Ground Stacks
Protect and enclose the space below your tent into to double your sleeping capacity, give yourself an insect-free and wind-protected living area or use as extra storage. The Ground Stack combines your Tree Tent with a Ground Conversion Kit, Insect Mesh, Tent Wall, Ladder and Hammock.

Classic Stacks
Double your sleeping capacity and space by adding a hammock below your tree tent and connecting the two with an insect mesh, tent walls (for extra weatherproofing) and ladders. This extra level can be used as a second sleeping area or even just as storage. With the classic stack, you can still utilise the protected space underneath your tent.

Ultimate Stacks
Give yourself the ultimate multi-storey camping experience and create unique memories. An ultimate stack creates 2 extra levels below the tent, 1 off-ground and 1 at ground level. This stack contains everything you need for 6 - 9 people to camp and sleep in absolute comfort.